Quilted TP

Help the environment while saving time and money. Make your own toilet paper! All you need is fabric, quilt batting, thread, and something to wipe. Enjoy!

Happy April Fool’s Day!

31 Replies to “Quilted TP”

  1. I would totally do this if I had anybody who was going to be in my house today. awesome!

  2. I have seen a family on tv that uses fabric scraps for TP. They have a clean basket and a dirty basket. The mom just washes the dirty ones when the basket gets full. I like the green aspect of it, but am not in the mindset to try it yet.

  3. Ellen, you got me. I saw this on my reader…and went to your blog to read the comments. 🙂

  4. Wow! I completely fell for that one. Many thoughts were going through my brain trying to process the quilted toilet paper…haha!

    Love this blog.


  5. Okay, I kept thinking, “Well, how do you tear the stuff off?” and then “Ewwwwww”
    Ha! Ha! This is hilarious! Amazing where our minds can take us when we take the limits off. So much fun.

  6. hahaha, as I was reading this (and unaware that it was April Fool’s day) I was like….”girl’s gone off her rocker!”. Ha! I would love to put some of this in my bathroom to mess with my friends.

  7. This is HILARIOUS. I am sure I am not alone in almost falling for this. Thanks goodness it’s another year before the next April fools day.

    amy @ whilewearingheels.blogspot.com

  8. Just read this now, and of course since it is a few days past April Fool’s I wasn’t suspecting the last bit! Nice one! I mumbled to myself “are you serious?” only to have a good laugh at the end! thanks! You got me!

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