Grid Painting



Here’s a project that my six-year-old wanted to try after thinking about this painting that was made by her Daddy.  Can you tell that this is a ladybug?

We used a piece of printable canvas and acrylic paints since that’s what we had on hand.  She drew the ladybug with pencil, then I left the room to look for a ruler.  When I came back, she had drawn her own grid.  Well, OK!  You could make the squares as small or as large as you want them.  I asked her to paint one square at a time and leave some space around the edges, but she took it from there.  She had a couple of spots that she painted the wrong color, but since we were using acrylic paint we let the paint dry and she painted over them.  I think she made some interesting art and managed to use both sides of her brain in the process.


6 Replies to “Grid Painting”

  1. That is so cute! You need to frame it as a keepsake. When my kids were little, this is the time of year (in the south) we would get the picnic little tykes table cleaned up and ready to paint away.

  2. It’s a great picture, as is the one by her dad. Have you ever seen the work by Chuck Close – it works in a similar way to this, by focusing on the main colours in each square. She might like to see how similar her work is to his?

  3. This is just a terrific idea!! I’m adding you to my “Mommy heroes” list- way too cool!!

  4. the painting of eva is one of my favorites. i anticipate it each time i walk in the room. it was cool to see the pic it was from –

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