Paper Daffodils

Make some paper daffodils to celebrate spring! This project for kids (and adults) is quick and easy with no mess. Check out my post on Alpha Mom for details.


Like all of you, I’ve spent the past week watching the startling images coming from Japan and feeling overwhelmed by it. Devastation and tragedy on such a colossal scale is just unimaginable to me. And it may not be over. While we all think hopeful thoughts that the nuclear crisis will soon be resolved, we’re wondering what we can do to help.

This is a craft blog and I try not to veer off topic too much, but I’ve seen lots of promotions and craft sites offering to help. I got an e-mail from Lisa of This and That from Japan, who lives in southern Japan and has been an advertiser on my site for a while now. She is donating 15% of her shop proceeds to Save the Children Japan to help the many children who have been orphaned by these tragic events. As someone who worked in fundraising for several years, I know that the best thing you can do is donate money. It’s lovely to think that you can knit a blanket or sew a pillowcase to send to the victims, but it’s just not the best solution right now. So donate to Save the Children Japan or the Red Cross if you are inclined. Or buy some fabric from Lisa and feel better about your purchase knowing that you helped those who are most vulnerable.

Crossed Quilt Block

I finally started doing something with that long strip of string pieced fabrics I was working on a while back. I plan to intersperse these with plain white blocks and make a throw quilt. Looks like I need 18 of these blocks. Three down, so check back with me in another month.

And since it’s Monday, I thought I’d include a quick tutorial for the block so you can skip the math. This makes a 10″ block. Click on the image below to print out the instructions.

Fabric Happenings

It’s always fun to keep track of what’s happening in the fabric world these days. And since I’m thinking about fabric from a more technical perspective while working on some designs of my own, I look at fabric and think about the repeat and colors.

This morning I saw the lovely Jill Bliss patterns in fabric over on Craft (shown above).

And I love this new Bryant Park collection from Khristian Howell (image via fabricworm).

Speaking of fabric, did you get your hands on the Ruby Star Rising collection yet? The collection from Kokka was designed by Melody Miller, who lives right here in Atlanta (in my neighborhood, in fact). We may be seeing more from her soon! And she has this super cute elephant tooth pillow pattern for sale in her Etsy shop now.

The Jay McCarroll Habitat line from Free Spirit is one of my favorites of the new year (image via spool). He managed to make a modern, painterly collection while maintaining some traditional fabric motifs. While he has always been one of my all-time Project Runway favorites with his knitted fashion, it’s been really interesting to watch his career evolve.

And if you have bought the new book Little Things to Sew from Oliver + S creator Liesl Gibson, you can order the fabrics she used from Spoonflower. Very clever idea.