Ice Cream Parlour


It’s play dough!  I made some homemade play dough with my four-year-old today from this recipe.  We even added some iridescent glitter and fragrance to it.  Even though my daughter knew it wasn’t real, when she first saw it scooped into the tea cup she asked if she could eat some.  I know, tempting.  Luckily we had some actual ice cream in the freezer.  So we enjoyed pretend eating and playing ice cream parlour.

I think this would be a fun craft for an ice cream themed birthday party (for children old enough to know not to eat it).  You could make plain play dough and have the children add color and fragrance to make their own flavor, then you could scoop it into a jar for them to take home.  Oh, and you could make little labels for the jars.  Could be really cute.

11 Replies to “Ice Cream Parlour”

  1. great idea, love it! got your calendar today – one for me and one for my MIL for her bday….trying not to peek inside is torture! 🙂 good job!

  2. We had a PlayDough birthday party for my daughter’s 2nd birthday, and it was a fantastic free-play activity. We didn’t make pretend food though, as not all of the toddlers were out of the putting-things-in-their-mouths stage!

  3. My grandma owned a preschool for most of my young life and I think she and I made at least a ton of play dough! It’s a great memory that all kidos should have, great birthday idea.

  4. OMGoodness! When I first looked at the picture I thought… mmmm looks yummy!!! I can’t believe that’s play dough! The colors are just beautiful!

  5. very cute! love it! of course I have toddlers over here so we’ll have to wait a bit for the awesome ice cream play but very fun and something to tuck away for later.

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