With Mother’s Day coming soon, I’ve been thinking of things we can create with the children’s drawings. So here are some ideas:

#1 Applique Tee from a bit of this and a bit of that: This would work for a bag or hand towels as well.

#2 Embroidered Child’s Drawing from Bella Dia: This project idea has been featured all over the place, but this is a nice example. Great idea for pillows, hand towels, or framed art.

#3 Shrinky Dinks! Make key chains earrings, necklaces, etc. Check out these rings from Dillon Designs for inspiration.

#4 Note Cards: Make some stationery or note cards for your mother. I used my Gocco printer here, but you could make these by scanning artwork into the computer and printing on card stock or stationery paper.

#5 Softie: Turn your child’s drawing into a stuffed animal. Here‘s a good example with instructions from Martha Stewart.

#6 Fabric Collage: Re-interpret your child’s drawing as a fabric collage as seen on bloesem kids craft projects with Arounna Khounnoraj (all of her projects are wonderful, by the way).

#7 Glass Etching: Try this to turn a plain vase or set of glasses into something special with etching cream or glass paint.