1,2,3 Quilt of the Day


Today I’m featuring my Dresden Quilt from 1, 2, 3 Quilt. In the book, there’s a quick shortcut technique to make these large 25″ dresdens that are then appliquéd to the whole cloth background using fusible webbing. I really had fun with the quilting on this one, taking the geometric straight line quilting in all different directions. I wanted the flowers to stand out a bit, so there’s not much quilting on them.

This is a throw-sized 60″ x 60″ quilt. Here’s a detail shot:



Photos by Laura Malek.

Framework Blocks


More experimenting with blocks in my Framework fabric, mixing double-gauze cottons, quilting cottons, and linens. I think I’m actually going to try a basic courthouse steps pattern instead of any of these log cabin variations. But I will definitely mix the Framework prints with neutrals.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, you might want to read this post from Abby Glassenberg regarding Aurifil’s social media marketing. I commented on her post and also posted some of my thoughts over on The Long Thread Facebook page. I think that this is an important issue to discuss as a quilting community.

In our current age of ubiquitous social media, how we conduct ourselves online is a reflection of who we are, whether we feel it’s an accurate depiction or not. As someone who struggles with how much I should communicate via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, I am keenly aware that we never fully know a person based solely on their online interactions. It’s a difficult world to navigate and I’ve got no clue how I’m going to guide my daughters through this maze.

While I’m encouraged that Aurifil may change its social media marketing practices, I also hope that in this process we will remember that tweets, posts, comments, and status updates are meant in fact to be social interactions. We should perhaps give the same care and consideration that we use with people in real life.



A bit of sewing with my new Framework fabric collection. It’s summer, so the best I can do is share Instagram photos. The block above is a log cabin turned 45 degrees with an appliqué circle, echoing the design of the bottom fabric (Corners). And, yes, I mixed double gauze cotton with the linen/cotton blend. You can totally do that! Mixing fabrics creates texture and interest in your quilts.

Below is a storage cube, made basically like a pattern in my book 1, 2, 3 Sew. Quick, easy, and actually useful.

Look for Framework to be available in stores soon!


Triangles Quilt


Triangles, anyone? They don’t seem to be going anywhere, so if you want to learn to make four different types of triangles, you could try the Triangles Quilt from my book 1, 2, 3 Quilt. This is still one of my favorite quilts in the book. Quilting done by Lisa Sipes. I think this quilt is still hanging out at Intown Quilters if you want to go visit it in person.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I make things, then take photos of the things, which gives them a new life of their own. Objectifying objects. It’s the Instagram shots, book photos, and blog posts that reach farther than the object itself ever could. Most of my quilts end up stacked in a closet. So it makes me wonder, what am I really making? I think the reality of social media has given a new dimension to crafting; hearts, comments, and likes added to process photos, detail shots, and enhanced images. I love it all, but I wonder if this digital objectification is taking us too far from the original intent and purpose of the object itself?



It’s been a while since I’ve posted here! I guess I’m in summertime mode, but things have seemed busy. You can see some project photos from my Framework collection over on the Kokka blog here and here. It should be shipping to stores soon. Photo above is by Kokka.

And I just submitted my collection for fall, which seems very close. Kokka works a little closer to production than some other fabric companies, which I like because I don’t have to wait too long to see the designs. I’m impatient. This summer I am also trying to wrap my head around my next book idea and leap over the mental hurdles that seem to be blocking me. In the meantime, I posted a few of my designs over on Nuvango (formerly Gelaskins), so you can order cases for your phones or tablets. Now they have a version to fit most any device. I’m excited to see what my designs look like in this context.


A few weeks ago, we went to the beach and I read Heather Ross’ new book, How to Catch a Frog and Other Stories of Family, Love, Dysfunction, Survival and DIY. The book is about her unconventional childhood and her perseverance to find success. It’s well-written and gives insight into her fabric designs, which are lovingly romanticized expressions of her childhood memories. The book has clever DIY projects tied into each chapter. With charming storybook illustrations throughout, this memoir will help you remember to look for the beauty in life — even when it’s hard to find.


It seems to me that these days artists and designers are putting more of themselves out there for the world, both in books and online. Whether it’s a natural result of the end of anonymity in our digital age or a conscious choice, it’s a brave thing to do and frankly, something that I’ve avoided as much as possible! But I’ve been thinking more about things now that I’m getting older and I want my work to have greater meaning. I just need to figure out what comes next.