Sure, I love Etsy. But there are many wonderful online shops for handmade and vintage items. This week I’ve featured some of my favorites.
goodEGG Industries: Printed Dollhouse from petit flaneur, $145.
bookhou: Sprig Storage Box, $35.
Rare Device: Rainbow Bird Tile from Xenia Taler, $56.
Poppytalk Handmade: Happy Moment from Shira Sela, $35.
The Curiosity Shoppe: Square Meal Ceramic Bowl from the Gourmet Collection by Lorena Barrezueta, $90.
Cosa Verde: Soft French Lace Bag, $58, Tortilla Girl.
Folksy: Cat in Jungle Print Dress with Linen Trim, The Linen Cat, £28.00
Reform School: Soft Rocks by Tanya Aguiniga, $50.
Three Potato Four: Vintage Wooden Finger Puppets, $40.