Tattoo Valentines

And here are the ones we made with my seven-year-old. She drew the designs for these tattoos and we printed them on tattoo paper.

I ordered this Silhouette tattoo paper after reading the reviews on amazon, but you don’t need to have any special cutter to use this paper. Just an inkjet printer. I scanned my daughter’s drawings, reversed them (important!) and printed them on the paper. Then you have to wait for it to dry (which took almost an hour) and then ever so carefully apply the adhesive paper on top, and finally rub any air bubbles out. I was nervous since I only ordered two sheets, but it turned out fine and we were able to get 40 tattoos on two sheets.

So I took her drawings and added some typed text as I wasn’t sure how legible her writing would be on a small tattoo. Then of course she wanted to attach candy to the cards, and knowing how much parents love their kids to eat a teaspoon of colored sugar, I acquiesced and bought Pixy Stix, cut some slits in the card and my daughter attached one to each card. The heart paper clips came from Paper Source and were a bit of a splurge for me. As you can see below, the quality of the tattoo is just OK, but about what you normally see with temporary tattoos.

If you’d like the printable for this one, you can download the .pdf file here.

Valentine’s Round-Up

Here are a few Valentine’s card ideas from the past. My kids have ideas for this year, so hopefully I will get to share those with you soon. Meanwhile, we are collecting toilet paper tubes! My husband asked why they were all lined up in the kitchen and I said we were saving them for Valentines. His comment was “Of course. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like toilet paper tubes”. So true.

Tweet, Tweet printable valentines.

Cupid’s Arrow Pencils with printable from my post for Alpha Mom.

Crayon Hearts with printable card.

Several ideas for simple handmade valentines in a post for Alpha Mom.

Recycled card ideas.

Salt Dough Hearts.


Crafty Kids

I haven’t been working on any projects that I can show you now, but my kids have. My 9-year-old got a Bebichhichi doll from the Japan store when we were in Epcot a couple of weeks ago, so she made a house for the doll. Remember Monchhichi? Oh, these little versions are so cute. I think this is the beginning of a collection. Just what we need. Anyway, my daughter is having fun working on the house and furniture.

And my seven-year-old is learning to sew! She was so eager to learn and I knew she’d have more fun learning from someone else, so I signed her up for classes at Whipstitch, where she learned to make this too cute kitty. Looks like she picked out some of Rashida’s fabric for her project! And I’ve discovered if you hate turning fabric tubes, let your kids do it! Their tiny little fingers do it much faster.

Handmade Gifts for Kids


Don’t have time or the inclination to make gifts? Here are a few handmade gift ideas for the kiddos in your life. And yes, you can tell that I mostly think about gifts for girls, but these sites have lots of different options.

Tiger Pouch from Giddy Giddy, $32.

Recycled Cashmere Baby Hat, $29 from Tasha Miller Griffith.

Pencil Pouch, $15 from Slide Sideways.

Tic Tac Toe Stamp Kit, $19 from Yellow Owl Workshop.

Anna Ballerina, € 34.95 from Esthex.

Pink Rosette Necklace, $31.50 from Everbloom Studio.

Musical Instruments, set of 3 for $38 from Rare Device.



Holiday Crafting with Kids

Marie of Make and Takes asked me to be part of the blog tour for her new book, Make and Takes for Kids: 50 Crafts Throughout the Year, published by Wiley. If you are familiar with Marie’s blog, you know that she offers kids’ crafts, recipes and activities perfect for parents with busy lives, homeschoolers, teachers, and anyone interested in making fast and fun crafts with the kids.

In her new book, Marie offers 50 simple and easy crafts for all seasons of the year. Each craft includes learning objectives, a supply list and clear instructions. The crafts are just right for kids of all ages with projects that work for both boys and girls. These crafts are simple, featuring supplies you may have on hand: pipe cleaners, glue, construction paper, plus re-purposed materials such as toilet paper tubes, milk jugs and egg cartons.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to give some ideas for crafting with kids around the holidays. We all love the idea of a meaningful, handmade holiday, but life can become chaotic around this time of year trying to clean your house, cook, or prepare to go out of town, often while working and taking care of the kids’ homework and carting them around to activities. I’ve noticed lately with the time change that I’m struggling just to get a meal on the table and get the kids in bed at a reasonable time. So it’s not surprising that when I received the book from Marie, I looked and found lots of great crafts to try, but we haven’t had the time! Here are a few simple ideas to help you keep the kids busy and make a meaningful holiday:

1) Go shopping or gather materials. Have craft supplies on hand and get everything organized before the holidays. If you are re-purposing materials like newspaper or toilet paper tubes, go ahead and gather those.

2) Make craft kits. Make a list of the activities you’d like to try with the kids and pre-cut or gather materials as needed. Put each project in its own basket, making a kit that the kids can pick up and make on their own. Kids who can read can easily follow the instructions in this book.

3) Give choices. My older daughter is very independent and really hates any prescribed activity, but she will follow along with a book, making her own variations. I often find that letting her choose the project gives her ownership and makes her much more interested in it.

Now that I’ve said all this, I’d better follow my own advice! Check out Marie’s book if you get a chance, and you can find the instructions for this Thankful leaf project (below) over on Skip to My Lou.

All photos by Nicole Gerulat.

You can also check out some of these other crafting resources for the kids this holiday season: Make and TakesThe Crafty CrowAlpha Mom, my list of 100 Holiday Crafts, and this new Martha and Friends interactive site.

What are your favorite sites, books or other resources for kids’ craft ideas?