I just found this blog Tangarang (link via One Crafty Place). Love her version of the DIY cakestands inspired by the tutorial from Design Sponge. This would be an eclectic look for a baby or wedding shower. She also has some nice free embroidery designs on her site.
Links Galore!
As part of my site update, I’ve edited and added to my blogroll. Check here for loads of crafty links and a brief description of each site or blog. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have a suggested site to add to the list. I’ll be updating regularly.
Customized Lampshade
Here’s a great tutorial from Cicada Studio. I’ve mentioned her fabric designs before, but wanted to share this quick and easy project for how to cover an IKEA lamp. The square shape makes it much easier! More IKEA ideas at IKEA Hacker. I found the link for this project via Apartment Therapy.
And check out the contest sponsored by Apartment Therapy and Etsy: Do It Now! The Small Projects DIY Month. Some inspirational projects posted already. And a $250 gift certificate to Etsy? You’d better get to it. I particularly like this project (pictured below) from Aya Rosen on how to decorate a tea set. Lovely!
Liberty Hair Slides
Maybe you could make these? I found these sweet Liberty print hair slides over in the Selvedge shop. A bit of interfacing, some Liberty fabric, stiffening spray? Made by Tout Silo, who also has a lovely blog and shop. I’m a sucker for anything with Liberty of London prints. And look how sweet they are in a child’s hair:
Recycled Mardi Gras Necklace
Check out my post over at Alpha Mom for super easy instructions on how to make this Mardi Gras necklace with your kids.