Quilt Blocks Shop Challenge

Attention handmade shop owners: I have a challenge for you! I’d love to see what you make from my new Quilt Blocks collection for Moda, so I am proposing a challenge. You are eligible for this challenge if you have an online shop, a local handmade shop, or if you sell locally at craft fairs. Here are the simple rules:

1) Make something with my Quilt Blocks fabric for your shop. It can incorporate any of the prints, alone or combined with solids.

2) Post a photo to the Quilt Blocks Flickr group here and add the tag “QuiltBlocksShopChallenge”.

I will pick my three favorites and each handmade artist will be featured on The Long Thread with a dedicated post profiling the shop owner and the shop. You will also receive three months of free advertising over there in the sidebar. PLUS five yards of Quilt Blocks fabric! So get started making stuff!

I’ll be accepting entries through the end of May. Can’t wait to see what you make! And those of you who make things for fun and don’t have a shop, I want to see your creations too. Be sure to add your photos to the Flickr photo pool as well. Thanks!

Here’s a post with the list of fabric shops carrying the fabric. I know that the Fat Quarter Shop has it in stock and ready to ship!

Feather Your Nest

This month over at Stumbles & Stitches, Jenny and Angel will be posting about projects for the home and they are also having a sewing contest! So make something, show it off and win a prize. The list of prizes is impressive, including books, fabric gift certificates, etc. And I’ll be a judge! There are ten of us judging, listed here. To enter, read the full entry requirements and leave a comment on this post. You’ll be eligible for prizes just by entering.

Check Stumbles & Stitches for tutorials, links and project inspiration all month long.

[image above by Stumbles & Stitches]


Winner of Sew Modern Giveaway

Congratulations to #56, Anne! She is the winner of the Sew Modern giveaway.

And I thought I’d mention this internet piracy legislation. What’s SOPA about? I’m no expert, but it seems to me that this is misguided legislation that would open the door to censorship by forcing internet service providers to monitor content and block sites that they feel are violating copyright laws, but will also allow for pending lawsuits to shut down websites with questionable content, even before a judgment has been made. Watch this video to learn more, then make up your own mind. You can sign google’s petition here and contact your local representatives with this quick link on wikipedia. Looks like SOPA won’t make it and some of its provisions have already been changed, but there is another bill called PIPA, which is also problematic. Perhaps laws regarding the internet should be made by people who know something about the internet? I’m guessing half of the Senate has their aides print out e-mails!