The Creative Family


The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections by Amanda Soule.

It’s been a busy week around here with Spring Break and no vacation.  But I did manage to actually buy this book and browse through it.  Full of projects and inspiration, I’d recommend it for any family who wants to raise creative children.  Really, the subtitle pretty much expresses my two main goals for our family.  Check out Amanda Soule’s blog for more inspiration.

How Toys Become Real


The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams, illustrations by William Nicholson.

We’ve been reading The Velveteen Rabbit over the past few days. I didn’t remember the story, but it is the sweet tale of a stuffed bunny who becomes real through the love of a little boy. Clearly I am feeling sentimental these days, but it makes me a bit weepy as I think of the bits and pieces of childhood that my children are leaving behind on their way to someplace else.

Anyway, this classic book would make a nice gift paired with one of these sweet things:


Pink Sweetie, $18.


Strawberries and Cream, $22.


wholelottalisa, $28.

Two-Minute Book Reviews

My mother has always chastised me for not reading directions. This has been a problem with my sewing. I just began using my embroidery machine to sew this year and I seem to learn by trial and error. If I make a mistake, I fix it and usually learn something. When I buy a pattern, I cut out the fabric and try not to follow the directions, which are usually so confusing anyway!

But I got some great books for Christmas that I’d like to share with you. Now in my usual fashion and considering that I am on a sewing roll, I have only skimmed them. But here are my thoughts.


Girly Style Wardrobe, a Japanese pattern book that I read about on angry chicken. I found the book on e-bay, but it is available here at Lemon Squeezey, along with what looks like some other great Japanese pattern books.


And since I mentioned her blog, Amy Karol of angry chicken wrote this book that I also received for Christmas: Bend the Rules Sewing. Published in June, the book has a lot of great tips and projects for those new at sewing (and those who, like me, don’t normally read directions). I recommend it.


I also received the Crafter’s Companion: tips, tales and patterns from a community of creative minds compiled and with contributions by Anna Torborg of twelve22. This book, also published this year, features seventeen crafters and a project from each. Each person explains her (hmm….all women) esthetic and motivation for creating. A great book for those interested in crafting.


Last, but not least is Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson, owner of purl, a New York fabric store that I would love to visit. This book is full of excellent projects and beautiful photography.