Handmade Holidays in Atlanta

Happy Holidays! There are a lot of handmade happenings here in Atlanta this month and I thought I’d share a few ideas for your holiday shopping.

First off, I’ll be at Whipstitch this Monday, December 10 from 6:30-9:30 pm for the Whipstitch Customer Appreciation Holiday Potluck! I’ll be there with samples from my Stamped collection (which you can order from Deborah). Rashida Coleman-Hale and Melody Miller will also be on hand to show you their new collections! Pictured above are images from Stamped, Tsuru and Ruby Star Sparkle. And I think Deborah may have copies of her new book, Stitch Savvy, for you to preview!

Also on the west side of town, Seed Factory is having a pop-up event the next two Saturdays with handmade goods, Santa, and a candy counter with gingerbread and hot chocolate from Star Provisions. Check here for more details.

Then in Virginia-Highland, the Indie-pendent is hosting a weekly holiday market on Thursdays in Belly (on the corner of St. Charles and N. Highland). There will be some hands-on activities, plus you can get some shopping done!

Then head down to the Indie Craft Experience’s holiday pop-up shop in Criminal Records in Little Five Points. Handmade goods from some of your favorite local crafters. And if you’re like me, you can also pick up a gift certificate for some vinyl for your husband while you’re in there.

It looks like Beehive has a trunk show this weekend and they’ve had some great things in there the last few times I stopped by. And while you’re out, be sure to run by Youngblood Gallery and pick up some handmade goods before they close! These last four handmade shops are located so conveniently near each other that you should take some friends and make an outing.

Now, if you live near Atlanta and would love to get away from it all, I should tell you about this wonderful creative retreat from Southern Circle Retreats, with Jenni Horne and Tiffin Mills. You should buy that for yourself this year! I think creativity helps bring sanity. The retreat will be at Serenbe, just south of Atlanta, on January 25-27. Check here for more information.