Grab a Button

Do you have a blog?  Are you a regular reader of The Long Thread?  Have I linked to one of your tutorials or featured your work in the past?  I’d love for you to grab a button and add it to your blog.  You can use the button below or get one of these others here.  Send any questions/comments to me at thelongthread[AT]gmail[dot]com.  Thanks for your support!

UPDATE: And thanks to my household tech support team (my husband) I’ve added the code for the buttons, so you can just copy and paste it into your sidebar.  Thanks!


Happy Apple Embroidery



This one’s for those of you with an embroidery machine.  I designed these happy little apples last year, but never got around to sewing them out.  Just stumbled across the file this morning and thought I’d share.  The design is 4.8″x3.1″ with a quick and easy stitch count of 1460.  I’m attaching it here in several formats.  I think it would be sweet on a little tee, a tote bag, or my drawstring backpack from last week.  Happy Sewing!




Oh, and I have to mention that this design is for personal use only.  Please don’t sell stuff made from this without my permission.  Thanks!

Sewing Calendar Winners

Wow!  Over 500 comments on this giveaway.  And it appears that most of you who read this blog have a blog of your own.  I continue to be amazed at the overwhelming amount of creativity out there.  What did we do before the internet?  We just read books, I guess.

And the winners are….

#13: Melody of Quilty Mama.

#215: Verity of Made by Loulabelle (she also has a very nice Etsy shop here).

#247: Michelle of Greeting Arts.

And if you didn’t win, remember that you can pre-order the calendar here.

Fairy Dress


Made a little dress for my four-year-old from this sweet Alexander Henry print.  I made the bodice too small, so I covered my measuring blunder by adding the patchwork stripes to the back to avoid remaking the bodice.  I think it ended up making the dress look much more interesting.  Just goes to show that some mistakes are serendipitous.


Etsy Finds Friday


Sunshine Friend print, $15 from Laura George.

Flowered fabric, $18 per yard from fabricworm.

Pui Coasters, set of 4 for $35 from Studio Wonjun.

Small Frame Purse, $17 from Yunisacs.

Doli Kitty, $80 from Misako Mimoko.

Xo Translucent Porcelain Cup, $29 from Stepanka Ceramics.

Presidential Wrestling Christmas Tree Ornaments, $30 from Yee Haw Industries.

Buttered Popcorn yarn, 78 yards for $21 from Springtree Road.

Cotton Nesting Bowls, set of 4 for $20 from kobo h.