Craft Green: More Eco-Friendly Tutorials



Knitted T-shirt Dishcloth from Instructables.

Reusable Snack Bag from We Wilsons.

Phone Book Desk Organizer from Chica and Jo.

Links and Ideas for Recycled T-shirts from Crafting a Green World (pictured: Betz White’s embroidery hoops).

Aluminum Can Flowers from CafeMomStreetTeam.

How to Fuse Plastic Bags from Etsy Labs.

Magazine Reeds Box and Picture Frame from Diane Gilleland (of CraftyPod) for CraftStylish.

Recycling Sweaters for Yarn from Craft Leftovers.

Teacup Lights from Martha Stewart.

Men’s Shirt to Girl’s Dress from made (link via Whipstitch).

50 Fabric Scrap Projects from Tipnut (pictured: Yo-yos from Heather Bailey).

Recycled Fabric Headband from Maya Made.

Eco-crafting with Kids


Aside from planting a tree, starting a compost bin or creating a vegetable garden, there are lots of crafty ways that you can share Earth Day with your children.  Here are some nice tutorials for eco-friendly crafts for kids:

Mosaic Bird Bath from The Seattle Times.

Tin can projects from Family Fun.

Gum Wrapper Chain from Wee Folk Art.

Egg Carton Flowers from Supercozy.

Cereal Box Matching Game from Plum Pudding.

Twig Trivet from How Stuff Works.

And here are more simple ideas for crafting with recycled materials.  Really, it’s just a matter of working with what you have.  Since I’ve started making a concerted effort to do this in our home, we spend considerably less on craft supplies and my children look at every object with a creative eye.

Paint rocks.

Make a cardboard box house.

Turn a glass jar into a snow globe.

Make a fairy house with natural materials.

Stamp with potatoes.

Make your own paint.

Camp Creek Blog has a nice post about saving materials for recycled craft projects here.  And as always, The Crafty Crow has links to tons of great ideas for crafting with kids, like this post about things you can make from an egg carton.

Green Giveaways & Contests


Check out the results of the Inhabitat Spring Greening Contest for some recycled inspiration.  Pictured above: tupperware lights by Frank Criscione.

Cosa Verde and Modish Earth Day Giveaway – Make a comment for your chance to win tons of handmade eco-friendly goods from the shops at Cosa Verde.

Crafty by Nature Contest at CraftStylish – Enter your eco-friendly craft to win a super cool Yudu screenprinting machine.

Tiny Decor Eco Nursery Giveaway – Submit photos of your eco-friendly nursery for your chance to win a $300 nursery decor package.

Craft Green: Eco-Friendly Tutorials



In the upcoming week I’ll be writing about eco-friendly crafts in celebration of Earth Day.  So here are some eco-friendly tutorials to get you started.  Look for more upcycled projects and green giveaways throughout the week.

Homemade Paper from Instructables.

Gift Bags from Envelopes from How About Orange.

Plastic Grocery Bag Pom Poms from Creature Comforts.

Junk Mail Paper Beads from The New New.

Girl’s Spring Mini-Tote from Betz White.

Crocheted Tawashi from Linda Permann for Craft Stylish.

Fabric Scrap Bowl from Linda Permann at Craft Stylish.

Recycled Crayons from Make and Takes.

Sweater Skirt from Whip Up.

Recycled Sweater Kid Pants from Green Kitchen.

Magazine Bowl from A Little Hut.

Travel Candle in Recycled Tin from Design Sponge.

Etsy Finds Friday


Porcelain Woodgrain Plate, $30 from Marcie McGoldrick Design.

Odd Elsie Cloth Art Doll, $23 from The Silly BooDilly.

Natural White Natalie Bag with Late Blooms Print, $44 from Appetite.

Large Gold Paper Bowl, $34 from up in the air somewhere.

Over the Rainbow Felt Brooch, $18.50 from Applique.

Vintage tulip mugs, set of 4 for $12 from deadbird finds.

Juniper Dress, $46 from mette.

Confectionery Earrings, $18 from Untamed Menagerie.

Padded coasters, set of 4 for $18 from fernfiddlehead.