Humpty Dumpty GIVE-AWAY!



It’s Make it Monday and our first ever Give-Away! Enter to win this Humpty Dumpty toy by simply leaving a comment on this post. Entries must be received by midnight Eastern time on Tuesday night, when the winning comment number will be chosen at random. I will e-mail the winner to get the shipping address, so no need to leave any personal information in your comment. I will try to mail this so that it arrives before the weekend if you live within the continental United States. I’m willing to ship overseas, but obviously that will take longer.


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. This Humpty Dumpty breaks in half! But you can put him back together again. He is made in two pieces and attached with velcro. I stuffed the bottom with buckwheat hulls and the top with polyfill. He has adjustable arms thanks to a couple of pipe cleaners. Instructions for making him can be found here:

Humpty Dumpty Pattern Please note that this is a large file (189KB).


Just so I’m never accused of making things look easy, I wanted to show you that designing toys is a process. Here’s Humpty with his cousin Frank. Frank lives in the Land of Misfit Toys and might prefer to be a hamburger bun. Not to worry, he’s getting a lot of love from my kids. Obviously I made the shape a little wrong the first time and had some construction issues. I never get it right on the first try. This is NOT the toy you will win in this give-away.

Hurry and enter the contest! Humpty Dumpty needs a home.  If you make a Humpty Dumpty toy, please add a photo to the Make it Monday Flickr photo pool here.  I would love to see your creations!

32 Replies to “Humpty Dumpty GIVE-AWAY!”

  1. Ooh!!! I’m the first. Oh, but I bet the random number generator doesn’t pick #1 very often 🙁 Oh well, my kids would LOVE this. They love Humpty Dumpty!!!

  2. This is so cute! My two year old is obsessed with Humpty Dumpty and would just love this.

  3. Adorable! Who wouldn’t want their own Humpty? If I don’t win, I’ll just be able to make my own! Thanks for sharing the pattern and tute!

  4. I love nursery rhymes and always taught them when I was a preschool teacher (before children.) I can’t wait to make this and use it when I get back to teaching. In the meantime my daughter will love playing with him. By the way Frank it very cute even without a typically pointy egg head. Thanks for sharing your pattern. I love make it Monday!

  5. Oh my son would so love to win this! It would be so neat to have something made by you. I am always admiring your amazing hand-made toys!

  6. I love, love, love your creative ideas! Your child-friendly crafts are awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Another great Make it Monday! I would have never thought I would look forward to Monday so much heeheeeheehee!!! Great Humpty…come live with me please!

  8. I have just entered for the first time at your blog – looking at lovely gooses. And I’ve found also this mervelous idea of Humpty Dumpty toy. I like it very much! Great idea and great job!

  9. Cute! Now you know how many of us are checking in with your blog pretty regularly but aren’t saying anything! I love all of your creations and always look forward to seeing what you’ve got next. I’ll have to get Grammy on this one…

  10. that is so cute! i’m sure my boys would LOVE it. if i’m not lucky enough to be picked i just might have to try to make one for them. emphasis on try.

  11. Just found your blog. He’s is so cute, so count me in. I am thinking about doing the folk art flower applique pillow. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  12. aww! i love it–i love him and want him for my bookshelf right next to my laptop and sewing machine! Please enter me in the drawing!

  13. I just found your blog and love it. And a give away too. How fun. I am looking forward to checking out more of your blog.

  14. This seem appropos to the tornado – are you sure the wall didn’t fall down with humpty dumpty? It’s adorable – love your ideas!

  15. That is the most clever idea. I love this. You did a great job. Even his cousin Frank is cute.

  16. My father, incredibly fearful of children, would come alive when others started singsonging nursery rhymes. Our names would become rhymes and he would make up couplets while putting us to bed. Humpty Dumpty was one of his favorites, since he was notoriously clumsy.

  17. HD is so clever but for some reason I just love Frank more. Maybe it’s the pediatric nurse in me that always migrates to the less than perfect child, OR Frank might be HDs grandpa- older no longer a tight fit body and rounded out on the edges ( I can so relate) LOL

  18. My 18 month old grandson would flip over this Humpty Dumpty!He says Humpty Dumpty in his sleep!!What a wonderful toy.

  19. this Humpty Dumpty is AWESOME….my son would just LOVE him (he’s a big Humpty Dumpty fan)

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