Mosaic Painting


My husband made this painting of our first-born years ago, when she was around 6 months old.  We must have had more free time back then.  He should open an Etsy shop, don’t you think?

I searched through our old pictures and found the photo that he used:


He took the photo, created the mosaic effect in Photoshop and then laid it out on a grid.  Sort of a paint-by-numbers thing.  I wouldn’t have the patience for this, but thought I’d share since it turned out so well.  I’ve always loved it.  Our younger daughter got one that was done in Photoshop and sent off to the photo processor to be printed on canvas.  I guess if we had another, she wouldn’t get one at all.  Or any baby toys since I’ve given them all away.

Window Clings



We enjoyed making these window clings from drawings yesterday.  We used the window decal sheets available at office supply stores.  I scanned in the artwork, enlarged it and printed it on the sheets.  You can see that brighter colors work better.  The kids were really delighted with this project.

Vase with Child’s Drawing



I transferred my five-year-old’s drawing to a vase. I’m posting this as an idea, but I used painter’s tape and I think it would have made a cleaner design with vinyl paper. I think this would also work better with simple shapes all over the vase — maybe flowers or butterflies drawn by the child.

The supplies you’ll need are vinyl paper, etching cream, x-acto knife, child’s drawing, a rotary mat and a vase or glass.  I taped the drawing onto the mat on top of the tape, then cut out the design with the x-acto knife.  I carefully peeled it off and placed it on the vase.  Then I used etching cream to make the design, following the directions on the bottle.  The images below can give you the general idea.



Etsy Finds Friday


seven, 8″x8″ archival print by Swallowfield, $18.

Mother’s Day letterpress card from Paper Dragonfly, $3.50.

Blockprinted cotton tape from Jezze, $9 per meter.

Dutch Geese paper sculpture from Molly Jey, $90.

Vintage pool balls from White Elephant Vintage, $55.

Pair of organic cotton wash cloths by Maggie’s Crochet and Crafts, $10.

Set of 3 Felted Wool Bowls from Papaver Vert, $80.

Vintage salt and pepper shakers from Blue Bell Bazaar, $18.

Iris from A Small Fox in a Big World, $30.