Girl’s World

I’m happy to be part of the Girl’s World blog tour today! Jennifer Paganelli of Sis Boom, along with Dolin O’Shea and photographer Tim Geaney have created a charming and delightful book for fancy girls everywhere.

Published by my favorite publisher, Chronicle Books (I’m a bit biased here), the well-crafted book is as beautiful in its design as it is in content. I love the use of Jennifer’s fabric designs throughout the book, as well as the fancy lettering, silhouette artwork and the special details like the pink satin ribbon that ties the book together.

I had the opportunity to meet Jennifer and buy an autographed copy of the book from her a few weeks ago at Intown Quilters here in Atlanta. There are 21 projects in all including dresses, accessories and home décor. One of my favorites is a cute puppy dog named George that looks so easy to make, you could probably whip up a bunch of them as party favors. The dog, as well as some other crafty projects in the book, could easily be made with your child.

The clothing patterns in the book include four dresses, two aprons, and a ballet skirt. I decided to make the most simple of the dresses, the Tallulah Halter Dress (see photos below).

Since I started at 8pm last night, it’s a good thing that it was an easy one. The dress came together in just over an hour and has an easy-wear style perfect for hot summer days. This time I stuck to the pattern pretty closely, which is a pretty amazing feat for me. I used a size small pattern (4-5) for my petite six-year-old and it worked out really well with no adjustments needed. The instructions were clear and well-illustrated.

I used a vintage-inspired floral from Urban Chik’s Dream On collection for Moda.

If you have a girly-girl in your life who loves frilly, sparkly things, you’ll love this book! Here’s the full blog tour schedule, so you can check out some of the previous posts and keep up with those coming up.

Monday, June 13: Easy Crafts

Tuesday, June 14: Li’l Magoolie

Wednesday, June 15: Whip Up

Thursday, June 16: Patterns by Figgys

Friday, June 17: The Long Thread

Sunday, June 19: Mod Podge Rocks!

Monday, June 20:

Tuesday, June 21: Bolt Neighborhood

Wednesday, June 22: West Coast Crafty

Thursday, June 23: Everything Etsy

Friday, June 24: Hodge Podge Farm

Monday, June 27:  CraftSanity

Book Signing Saturday

Just a reminder about the 1, 2, 3 Sew book signing this Saturday, June 18 at 6pm at Whipstitch Fabrics. The event is free if you’d like to stop by and check out the book. If you’re in Atlanta, I’d love to see you there. I’ve just ordered some yummy cupcakes for the occasion from Frosted & Sprinkled, so don’t miss out!

Also, there is still space available in the Pintuck Clutch workshop which will be held from 4-6 pm. I’ve picked out a selection of fabrics for you to choose from — prints from my favorite designers including Anna Maria Horner, Anna Griffin, Jay McCarroll, Lizzy House and Amy Butler (excuse the photo quality, this was taken from my phone). Then we’ll have some cotton sateen and twill solids to be used as lining — or you can make a solid bag with a patterned lining. Choices! The workshop fee is $55 and includes everything you’ll need to make the bag. The bag is one of the step 1 projects from the book, so it’s fairly simple with pintucks and a magnetic fastener.

Just call the store at 404-897-1114 to make a reservation for the workshop.


Workshop & Book Signing

Live near Atlanta? Well, come on over to Whipstitch and make this pintuck clutch from 1, 2, 3 Sew with me next weekend. The workshop is next Saturday, June 18 at 4pm. The fee is $55 for the workshop with pattern and fabric included. I’ll be picking out some great fabrics this week. Just call the shop at 404-897-1114 to reserve your spot. Only ten spaces available, so sign up quickly!

Oh, and I think this project is a great one for beginners, but those of you who are more advanced might like this one to make in a hurry for a special event or as a gift. The fold-over bag is lined and has a magnetic snap closure. The projects in the book are organized in groups of three; within each group, the projects build on the skills learned in the project before and become progressively more challenging. There are 11 chapters and 33 projects in all. This clutch is the first project in the handbag chapter and comes together easily.

Then after the workshop, I’ll stick around from 6pm – 7pm if you just want to come by to chat and pick up a copy of the book. I’m still not totally sure why you would want me to sign a book, but I’ll happily do it if you’d like! This is all new to me and very strange.

1,2,3 Sew Flickr Pool

Did you know that 1,2,3 Sew is shipping from amazon? It should be hitting your local bookstore or fabric shop soon. I actually spotted a copy at my local Barnes & Noble last week. I’ll be sewing things from the book all summer — just to show you different colors, fabrics and options here and there.

I recently made the Market Bag from the book using Melody Miller’s Ruby Star Rising Viewfinders fabric. Love this fabric. You can see my latest version above and the one pictured in the book below — made with a pear patterned cotton fabric and a burlap bottom.

I made the bag just like the one in the book, but added some quick embroidery and made the squared bottoms a bit smaller. I’m thinking this will be a great summer tote — to load up towels for the pool or take on quick day trips. I also think it would work really well for traveling as you can just tie the handles and make a smaller handbag, as shown below.

If you’ve already got the book and have started making stuff, I’ve set up a flickr pool. So make something and share it!