Playing with Blocks

It’s always when I have a million other things to do that I get distracted doing something unproductive but fun. Last night I played with the solid strike-offs from Moda and made these paper-pieced blocks. Yeah, I know I need a new iron.ย The top two are totally 80s! And I would love to frame them in white and make a quilt. But not today.

These represent the colorways in my Quilt Blocks collection. The top two are from the spectrum colorway and the bottom two from the shade and marine colorways, respectively. Not all of these will be available as solids in the Bella collection, but some will. Speaking of Quilt Blocks, Kim over at True Up did a nice feature, so go check it out!

Anyway, I have included these 8″x8″ blocks in a printable .pdf if you need a distraction too. If you’ve never worked with the paper piecing technique, you can watch some videos on YouTube and experiment until you get the gist of it.


15 Replies to “Playing with Blocks”

  1. i know someone else already said it, but these blocks really are STUNNING! i love love love the top two! thanks so much for sharing the pdf, i can’t wait to see what else you make to match your fabulous fabric!

  2. These are absolutely stunning! Thank you for the templates. I am new to paper piecing and haven’t quite worked up the courage to make my own patterns.

  3. Oooh thanks for these templates! I’m currently in a pouch swap and my partner likes improv … I, however much I appreciate and adore improv, am really crap at it! But paper piecing I can do … so thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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