Crossed Quilt Block

I finally started doing something with that long strip of string pieced fabrics I was working on a while back. I plan to intersperse these with plain white blocks and make a throw quilt. Looks like I need 18 of these blocks. Three down, so check back with me in another month.

And since it’s Monday, I thought I’d include a quick tutorial for the block so you can skip the math. This makes a 10″ block. Click on the image below to print out the instructions.

21 Replies to “Crossed Quilt Block”

  1. This looks like a great way to rid the scrap bucket. And it looks great too. thank you so much

  2. LOVE this – I would have made blocks just like this for the modern quilt guild solid challenge if I had seen it sooner!!!

  3. Brilliant construction. Im grateful you posted your tutorial. I was trying to puzzle it out. Thanks for including the math. I’m sure you put some extra thought in that so as not to waste anything.

    By the way, at first glance I thought you had sashed in brown. Love the solid contrast.

  4. i just love this ellen! I can’t wait to try this, looks like a super fun way to use up scraps! 🙂

  5. Thanks for sharing this one…. I’ve seen some pieced items and always wondered, “How??” This project is on my list for the end of the semester! Cheers!

  6. Hi, I saw this through the flickr grape vine. I am going to make 12″ squares. Do you have directions for that I can send to my round robin group? Do you mind if I make up my own and give you credit on it?

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