Quick Pillow Corner Fix


I’ve always been annoyed by those floppy corners in pillow covers where the pillow form doesn’t really get fit into the corner. I’ve tried stuffing the corners, rounding the corners, but neither of these solutions made me happy. As I was sewing this morning, it was obvious to me that a pillow corner isn’t a right angle at all, so I made this little template and it seems to work very well. Thought I’d share if anyone is interested.

These pillows were made with my Rough Cut fabric from Kokka.


Click on the image below to download the template. Print at full scale.


Quilt Texture


I’ve been thinking a lot about creating texture in quilts. I find that when I experiment with one element, it’s helpful to remove all other visual ideas. So I’ve been working in all white just thinking about lines and texture. After working on this piece, I decided that the back is much more interesting than the front, which is leading me on to new techniques. It’s exciting to experiment with different ideas and I’m pushing myself beyond my comfort zone this year with a few new projects. More on that soon.