One Last Summer Dress

This is how long it takes me to get to projects: I bought this fabric to make a baby romper for my now five-year-old.  But she saw it the other day and requested a dress. She had a very specific design in mind, but I talked her out of sleeves (oh yeah, I’m in charge around here).  So here it is, the last of the summer dresses. On to corduroy!

Another Liberty Dress


Finally finished the other dress just in time for hunting eggs.  This one reminds me of a summer picnic.  I used Nancy Ann Liberty fabric, which I love. I had an idea of what I wanted to do with this dress, but was afraid to try on this fabric without a pattern.  So I used Burda 9644.  I’ve made this before and it’s really more full than twirly, so I think next time I will increase the width of each layer for more twirls.  And I’d like to try the skirt with a more fitted bodice and open back for a sundress.  We’ll see.