Two-Minute Book Reviews

My mother has always chastised me for not reading directions. This has been a problem with my sewing. I just began using my embroidery machine to sew this year and I seem to learn by trial and error. If I make a mistake, I fix it and usually learn something. When I buy a pattern, I cut out the fabric and try not to follow the directions, which are usually so confusing anyway!

But I got some great books for Christmas that I’d like to share with you. Now in my usual fashion and considering that I am on a sewing roll, I have only skimmed them. But here are my thoughts.


Girly Style Wardrobe, a Japanese pattern book that I read about on angry chicken. I found the book on e-bay, but it is available here at Lemon Squeezey, along with what looks like some other great Japanese pattern books.


And since I mentioned her blog, Amy Karol of angry chicken wrote this book that I also received for Christmas: Bend the Rules Sewing. Published in June, the book has a lot of great tips and projects for those new at sewing (and those who, like me, don’t normally read directions). I recommend it.


I also received the Crafter’s Companion: tips, tales and patterns from a community of creative minds compiled and with contributions by Anna Torborg of twelve22. This book, also published this year, features seventeen crafters and a project from each. Each person explains her (hmm….all women) esthetic and motivation for creating. A great book for those interested in crafting.


Last, but not least is Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson, owner of purl, a New York fabric store that I would love to visit. This book is full of excellent projects and beautiful photography.