Hawaiian Quilts


Well, I haven’t been posting in a while because we’ve been in Hawaii!  We apparently managed to be there for the rainiest weather the islands have seen in 20 years.  There was still some sun and lots of rainbows.  So I thought I’d do a post about Hawaiian quilts.  Since I didn’t want to drag the kids around looking at quilts, I’m showing this photo from Roseberry Quilts in the UK, which shows a nice variety of designs.

I love the graphic, organic designs of the traditional quilts and the use of solid colors.  The amazing thing is that the quilt designs are cut in one piece and then hand appliqued.  I bought a pattern for pillow covers that requires something similar to snowflake-making in that you fold the fabric over and cut through 8 layers!  I thought that I might try a winter version with wool felt.  I would have to just trace the design and machine applique. 

Here are some other nice designs from Quilts Hawaii.