Stocking Stuffers

Skip the candy and plastic junk. Here are some stocking stuffer or Hanukkah ideas:

Mittens from Liz Jones Handmade, $22. Available in her Etsy shop here.

turquoise-horned monster mittens

Hair clips or ponytail holders from Meeting Street Designs, $12.25 for the set pictured below.

My Little Friends - Seven Days of Fun - Adorable and Fun Ponytail Holders for Little Girls

This stamper necklace from The Small Object, $24.

Mushroom pocket case, $20 from Gifts Define.

A couple of nice handmade items, maybe some underwear and socks. Eva’s favorite present one year was a flashlight! Don’t think my kids won’t have some Disney princess stickers in their stockings. Our kids are the smallest victims of our consumer culture and my four-year-old actually CRIED for princess underpants. My mother says that they received oranges and nuts in their stockings when she was a child. We’ll try that this year and see if there’s a revolt.

Holiday Felt Projects

I’ve got Christmas on the brain and there are so many felt projects that I’d love to try with the kids. We’ll be working on our felt mushrooms for an Alice in Wonderland birthday party and a felt Happy Birthday banner (it was poor planning to have two kids with December birthdays), so I’m thinking I won’t get to these projects just yet, but thought I’d share some of the ideas that I’ve found.

Below is an image of felt garland from Anna Maria Horner. This is a good project you could really work on with the kids and one that does not require a sewing machine. I’d like to try it with yo-yos as I’ve been meaning to learn to make them and wouldn’t that be a great scraps project?

Found some adorable felt trees on flickr here. You can find the pattern at little birds handmade.

I love the felt stockings that my brother and I had as kids, and until I can gather the energy to create some stockings for Monarch Monograms, I love these personalized stockings from rikrak:
