Recycled Ornaments


Festive Sweater Ornaments from Viva Terra.

I’m thinking about waste a lot today; perhaps this is because we made a trip to Party City.  I have now convinced my almost five-year-old that it will be acceptable for us to make a pinata for her birthday party.  We are making it from cardboard and tissue paper and it will have pull strings.  We’ll see how this turns out.  Anyway, with Christmas splattered all over the stores I was thinking that it’s nice to make/recycle/pass along ornaments like these pretty tin can angels made in Guatemala (pictured below), also from Viva TerraGreat Green Goods has a nice list with these and others.


Holiday Gift Tags


I decided not to buy any more stuff and made my own gift tags this year.  You can find the .pdf file below .  I created these with an Avery 5294 template, so you could use them as stickers.  I am printing them on card stock and punching holes with my new Martha Stewart hole punch.  I’ll put the to/from on the back side. 


Another Wreath

In my earlier post I found some great wreaths and check out this new one from Betz White.  I have a pile of fabric scraps and  a wreath form just waiting for some inspiration.  Not everyone has a million beautiful cashmere sweater scraps lying around the house, but isn’t this pretty?  I am already seeing houses decked out in decorations, so I guess it’s time.

Stocking Stuffers

Skip the candy and plastic junk. Here are some stocking stuffer or Hanukkah ideas:

Mittens from Liz Jones Handmade, $22. Available in her Etsy shop here.

turquoise-horned monster mittens

Hair clips or ponytail holders from Meeting Street Designs, $12.25 for the set pictured below.

My Little Friends - Seven Days of Fun - Adorable and Fun Ponytail Holders for Little Girls

This stamper necklace from The Small Object, $24.

Mushroom pocket case, $20 from Gifts Define.

A couple of nice handmade items, maybe some underwear and socks. Eva’s favorite present one year was a flashlight! Don’t think my kids won’t have some Disney princess stickers in their stockings. Our kids are the smallest victims of our consumer culture and my four-year-old actually CRIED for princess underpants. My mother says that they received oranges and nuts in their stockings when she was a child. We’ll try that this year and see if there’s a revolt.