Stocking Stuffers

Skip the candy and plastic junk. Here are some stocking stuffer or Hanukkah ideas:

Mittens from Liz Jones Handmade, $22. Available in her Etsy shop here.

turquoise-horned monster mittens

Hair clips or ponytail holders from Meeting Street Designs, $12.25 for the set pictured below.

My Little Friends - Seven Days of Fun - Adorable and Fun Ponytail Holders for Little Girls

This stamper necklace from The Small Object, $24.

Mushroom pocket case, $20 from Gifts Define.

A couple of nice handmade items, maybe some underwear and socks. Eva’s favorite present one year was a flashlight! Don’t think my kids won’t have some Disney princess stickers in their stockings. Our kids are the smallest victims of our consumer culture and my four-year-old actually CRIED for princess underpants. My mother says that they received oranges and nuts in their stockings when she was a child. We’ll try that this year and see if there’s a revolt.