Love Quilting & Patchwork Magazine


My Rail Fence Tote Bag is in the latest issue of Love Quilting & Patchwork magazine, a new modern quilting magazine from the makers of Mollie Makes. You can order the latest issue here or you can download it from the Apple Newsstand.

The Rail Fence Tote is a project from my new book, 1, 2, 3 Quilt, which you can pre-order now. The tote is lined and features roomy boxed corners. It’s a simple project and will introduce you to the basic Rail Fence quilt pattern which you can use to make quilts or other patchwork projects.


Photo by Laura Malek.

Fabric Choices


One of the things that I often find overwhelming about quilting is the infinite number of choices. Choices in fabric, design, layout. A simple reconfiguration of blocks can create an entirely new quilt. Sometimes I get hung up on this, so I end up spending a lot of time thinking about things before I even cut into fabric.

I made a couple of blocks for my Folk Modern Table Runner Sew-Along using different fabrics so that you can see the difference made just by fabric selection. I used monochromatic colors on the left and on the right I used Carolyn Friedlander’s topographical fabric for all of the larger squares, then assorted bright solids for the outer triangles.

Then I took the images of those blocks to see how they might look in a completed table runner:


Next week I’m going to talk about how making slight changes to the block layout can make great differences in the overall design.

1, 2, 3 Quilt


Last week I got a few advanced copies of 1, 2, 3 Quilt. The official release date is September 10, but I’m guessing that it will start shipping from amazon sometime in August. You can pre-order it now!

The book has 24 projects, divided into eight chapters of three projects each. Each chapter focuses on a different shape and the projects progress in difficulty, to build on your skills as you work through the book. There are patchwork and quilted projects including pillows, an apron, skirt, tote bag, etc. Then each chapter culminates with a quilt, for a total of eight quilt patterns. So, if you’re new to quilting, you can learn skills gradually while making some useful projects. And if you’re an advanced quilter, you might pick up on some sewing projects that you haven’t tried yet.

Projects range from basic to advanced, from a lopsided log cabin to cathedral windows. Throughout the book, you will learn various quilting techniques in the How-To sections. Here’s the Table of Contents below so you can see the full list of projects and techniques.


The photos taken by Laura Malek turned out beautifully. The quilting on the Randoms Rectangles quilt on the cover was done by Tia Curtis. As I show more projects, I’ll talk about all of the people who helped out with the quilting and binding for these projects.