


Are you familiar with Daphne’s beautiful Etsy shop, Octopurse? She generously made some bags from my Garden collection for Quilt Market, which sadly were lost or damaged in the mail. But you can see the photos she took above and below. They are such pretty bags! I won’t knock the USPS because this is the first time this has happened to either of us, but I wish it wasn’t for this package! Maybe it will turn up.


And below are some other bags she’s made with my fabric, for sale in her shop now! I especially love the wooden handles. Her bags are perfectly made and very pretty. Go get one!



Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween! Here’s a tutorial I did for Whip Up a few years back. You can make it as a pincushion or fall decoration. My 8-year-old movie star and my 10-year-old doughnut are all ready to go trick-or-treating tonight! Hope you have a happy and safe Halloween!

Quilt Market Wrap-Up


Here’s a quick Quilt Market wrap-up with photos. If you are familiar with the fabric world, you know that Quilt Market is a wholesale market for shops around the world to select fabric and supplies.

Here are some photos of my booth with Kokka. I made patchwork and quilted samples from 1, 2, 3 Quilt and Kokka made some amazing bags and pillows. This was my first time meeting the people from Kokka in person and they were incredibly gracious and accommodating. I also met many of you that I’ve only known online and it was so great to finally put a twitter handle with a real face!

You can see in the photos below a Geranium Dress and Ruby Dress designed by Rae Hoekstra (made by her talented assistant Jessica) and a Staple Dress designed and made by April Rhodes. I made some fluffy fabric ball flowers (fabric circles poked into a styrofoam ball, inspired by my friend Erin). I had the embroidery that I made for the cover of 1, 2, 3 Quilt on display, butterfly buttons, Dresden flowers, embroidery hoops and paper butterflies, along with bags and cute little snap pouches made by Kokka.



Here were some highlights from the show. Of course I loved the other Japanese fabrics (top below) in the Kokka booth, including the Fujiyoshi Brothers (print with the panda) and Echino (other two photos below).


Then there were many other amazing booths. Below are a few (clockwise from top left): Monaluna organic fabrics, the Botanics collection from Carolyn Friedlander, three of the designers from the new division of RJR, Cotton + Steel, Leah Duncan for Art Gallery Fabrics, and Cloud 9 Fabrics.


You can see more of my photos over on Instagram, including the bizarre animals of Quilt Market, which I found to be very entertaining when I got bored of sitting in my booth at the back of the convention floor. If you talked with me at Quilt Market, I’m sure I shared my enthusiasm about doing some new things with my next collection! So I left feeling inspired (and tired).

Quilt Market


I’m busy getting ready for Quilt Market next week in Houston. If you will be there, please stop by to see my collection for Kokka at the Seven Islands booth (#962 and #1062). Take a peek at my new Garden collection and see some samples from 1, 2, 3 Quilt. I’ll be posting lots of photos here in the coming weeks.

123-Quilt Cover