Tiny Quilting


Now that I’m finished with Quilt Market, it’s been so good to just get in my sewing room and make something.

This is what I worked on over the weekend and I think my work might be getting a lot smaller! This piece is 9″ x 9 1/2″. I have no idea what I’ll do with this — maybe just frame it. But I think I’m going to be making many more tiny textured quilts, as I really love the improvisational process and small-scale. And I love monochromatic white, but it’s very difficult to photograph.


Give Books


This holiday season, you should give books! Chronicle Books is kicking off their #GiveBooks campaign this season with a special reader discount and they also generously offered me some books. I feel so grateful to have worked with Chronicle’s amazing editing and design team on both 1, 2, 3 Sew and 1, 2, 3 Quilt.

So share the book love by pinning or tweeting #GiveBooks, or take the GiveBooks pledge online, and Chronicle will donate a book to a child in need through First Book. Then head over to the Chronicle Books site and enter the promo code GIVEBOOKS at checkout to receive 30% off + free shipping on your order (excluding personalized products).


As I was looking through the Chronicle catalog to make my selections, I realized that our family already owns so many of their books. Most of our favorite young children’s books came from Chronicle, plus some of my kids’ current favorites  — like anything with that ridiculously adorable dog Boo, and all of the Ivy & Bean books. Also, I have renewed hope that printed books will never die because my kids prefer a physical book to their e-readers.

Here are the books that I selected for our family and a couple for gifts:


Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein with illustrations by Lisa Congdon, Elliott Smith by Autumn de Wilde, Big Vegan by Robin Asbell, Studio Life by Sarah Trigg, Pendleton notebooks, Just Between Us  mother/daughter journal by Meredith and Sofie Jacobs, Paper Cutting compiled by Laura Heyenga, Sewing for all Seasons by Susan Beal, I Know a Lot of Things by Paul and Ann Rand, and Dorothea Lange by Elizabeth Partridge. I’m so excited about these!

And as a special bonus, you can download these sheets of Catmas or Hanukcat gift tags designed by Gemma Correll for free! Simply click on an image below to view and print the full .pdf file. Cute cat logo above also designed by Gemma Correll.
