Make it Monday

Just didn’t get to the Make it Monday project this week.  But here’s a re-cap of the how-to projects I’ve posted in the past.  Click on the image to see the original post.

Valentine’s Softies

We haven’t really started making much Valentine’s Day stuff around here, but hope to start tomorrow. Here are some sweet little things available on Etsy. Little Red Caboose: Matryoshka Dolls, $65 each. Stacey Jean: Sock Monkey, $24.95. Plants & Animals: Valentine Owl, $18.

Corduroy Jumpers

Finally made these jumpers from corduroy and matryoshka doll fabric that I bought from Reprodepot Fabrics a while back.  I made some other corduroy jumpers last week and despite the fact that they are homemade, my almost-five-year-old actually likes them.  She is reaching that age when she wants to wear whatever her friends are wearing.  …