Green Counter Spray



Here’s a quick and easy recipe for a safe, inexpensive and green counter cleaner. I use a 24 ounce spray bottle to mix mine.  I love cleaning with vinegar, but this concoction simply dilutes the vinegar and adds some essential oils to tackle that smell.  Any essential oils will likely work well.  Works great on glass and stainless steel too.  I have soapstone countertops and vinegar works well for me, but you might want to make sure the acid in vinegar will not damage your surface.

  • 4 ounces vinegar
  • 20 ounces water
  • 5-6 drops peppermint oil
  • 5-6 drops grapefruit oil

Wedding Party

Here are some photos from the wedding party last night.  I worked at a flower shop for several years after college, so I enjoyed having the opportunity to make these arrangements.



And look at the yummy cupcakes (made by Sweet Pockets here in Atlanta).


Gocco, how do I love thee?

Let me count the ways. This little contraption is pretty amazing. I’m helping with a wedding party this weekend, so I got out the Gocco and printed some paper napkins….


and a hand towel….


and etched these wine glasses.


Amy Arnold


I love these peepwool dolls created by Wisconsin-based artist Amy Arnold and available at Nonchalant Mom.  At $220, rosie here is a bit out of my league, but such an expressive doll.  These remind me quite a bit of the rough-hewn characters seen in folk art throughout the American South. 

Etsy Finds Friday


I like to play in the leaves Pillow, Olive, $25.

Amidst Routes Letterpress Print, 5″x7″, $18 from Pearl & Marmalade.

Vintage Square wall clock by Peacock Modern, $22.

Japanese Embroidered Iron-On Appliques,  $6.50 from Sweet Flavor.

Little Blue Lovebirds, $98 from Cotton Bird Designs.

You’re kinda growing on me letterpress card from Sugar Street Cafe, $3.75.

Ferns 10″x7″ print from Groundwork, $20.

Dragonfly Canvas Bag, $37 from Stevester.

Lulu cotton/linen fabric from $17 for 27″ x 18″, from Daisy Janie.