Follow Along

It’s getting hard to track all of the social networking sites these days, isn’t it? And hard to be disciplined enough to avoid constant distraction. Here are some housekeeping notes if you want to keep up with The Long Thread in other places:

I have created a new facebook page for The Long Thread (due to the facebook changes to groups), so if you’re interested in receiving updates through facebook, you’ll need to click here and “like” the page, as I have dissolved the former group. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also, if you haven’t joined Pinterest, I highly recommend it. You simply add images of things you like, categorize them and share with others. It’s a great way to find, share and keep track of all the inspiration we find online. I get a bit frustrated when I can’t find the original source of an image, but overall I think it’s a great resource. You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking here.

And if you’re not on Twitter, you can join up and follow me over there too.

In addition, I’ve set up two Flickr groups — one for general photos of projects that you’d like to share and one for projects that you’ve made from 1, 2, 3 Sew. So please do share. I love to see what you’re making!

I’m sure I’ll get the hang of Google + soon too and start some sort of group there as well, but this seems like enough for now.

Back at home.

We’re settling back in at home after a week at the beach in Florida. Now, this was a nice place to drink your morning coffee. Hope you’re enjoying some relaxation during your summer break.

Shades of Gray

Thanks for all of your comments on this post. It is clear that many of you feel passionate about the challenging issues surrounding copyright. During this time of fluent information sharing and the collaborative nature of the online craft community, it is only natural that these issues surface. I respect your opinions about my HandMAYde is Better series this week and while I welcome the debate, I hope that all of you know that as a maker and designer myself, these issues are important to me also. Each of the posts from this week has been updated in response to your concerns.

If you would like to read the full post along with the comments, feel free to read on. I am going to get on with sewing and making things, because I don’t think we are going to find any answers today. What I hope to provide here is a supportive place for inspiration, instruction and resources. Thanks.

Continue reading “Shades of Gray”

More Celebrating

Whew. We celebrated my other daughter’s birthday over the weekend, and with considerably less fanfare for my mature eight-year-old who is rebelling against her mother’s handmade ideas.

So we had a pajama party for a small group of girls and since she’s never been a fan of birthday cake, we had birthday doughnuts from Sublime Doughnuts here in Atlanta. And we’ve recently discovered that she’s allergic to just about everything, so this was her last weekend of eating doughnuts (and a long list of other things). Anyway, I’ll try not to bore you with our new diet because as far as I can tell, diet is as sensitive a topic as religion and politics. The less said, the better.

And this is Wilbur. We  decided that our daughter was old enough for her own pet (aside from our family cat), so after some research we settled on a guinea pig. I have mixed feelings about pets sometimes, but this guy’s pretty cute and fairly low-maintenance. However, if you are thinking of getting one, you should know that after this photo was taken, he pooped on the bed, then proceeded to gnaw at my camera strap. Sometimes I wonder why we continue to make life more complicated rather than the reverse, but oh well.