Crossed Quilt Top

I finally put together the quilt top for this throw — see previous posts here and here. Another month and maybe I’ll actually get it quilted? It’s odd that since I’ve turned sewing into a business, I actually have less time to sew.

I’m sure I’ll get some comments about the paintings above, which I just haven’t had a moment to actually hang on the wall since I painted my sewing room last year. The painting on the right is by self-taught artist Mose Tolliver who lived in my hometown of Montgomery, Alabama. I remember visiting his home with my mother, during a time when she was very interested in folk art. And the painting on the left is by Steve Keene, whose work resembles that of self-taught artists, but he is in fact a Yale-educated, Brooklyn-based artist who paints in multiples. My husband became interested in Keene’s work when he started painting album covers.

Lately when I talk I end my sentences, with “blah, blah, blah” as I tend to go on these days and bore even myself. Maybe I should start ending posts this way too? Blah, blah blah.

9 Replies to “Crossed Quilt Top”

  1. Good Lord, Ellen, what a gorgeous quilt top!! Stunning. I love the wavy strips cut into the perfect geometric crosses. And all that white! So so lovely.

  2. Wow! I am so in love with that quilt. The colors, the design… all of it is just so beautiful…blah, blah, blah (I could on for a long time about it).

  3. My mother has a Mose T piece (we’re also from Montgomery), a watermelon slice on a piece of cardboard with a pop-top hanger. I always loved that piece.

    And: totally feeling you about the less-time-to-sew thing. I’ve had to start scheduling myself weeks where I’m done with one major project but haven’t yet started another so I can do a little playing! Love your quilt–can’t wait to see it finished up.

  4. i love your quilt top! I’m seeing so many versions of cross quilts around the blogosphere! i’m working on one myself.
    i too have recntly turned my sewing into a business and i know what you mean about having less time to sew. it just means that when you do find time to do it, you enjoy it that much more. good luck with your business.

  5. Ha! I often bore myself with my own talking too and start looking for a way to just end the conversation. Usually I say Yahda yahda ya…
    Love your quilt- i want to do one with lots of white space too. WE visited Howard Finister’s home in North Alabama when I was in college. My mom bought me one of his coke bottles which i still treasure. I bet going to meet Mose Tolliver was a real treat,

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