Needle Felted Pumpkin

I am totally geared up for Fall and especially Halloween. So I have made quite a few of these little needle felted pumpkins in the past couple of days. I thought I’d make a quick tutorial, though this is certainly not an original idea and I am definitely a novice! My photo tutorial is posted over at Flickr.

Needle felting is pretty addictive, and it’s great if you’re an election junkie like me and need to sit in front of the television to listen to the talking heads. Just don’t poke yourself with a needle.

9 Replies to “Needle Felted Pumpkin”

  1. I’ve never tried felting because I can’t get the supplies here where I live, but this is so cute I’m going to keep it safely in my “to do someday” list! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ah really cute! and it doesn’t look “too” dificult so maybe I will be able to pull it off 😛 Thanks for the tutorial 🙂

  3. Those are adorable. I keep seeing projects for felting and I’m excited to try it, but I’ve got so many unfinished projects going right now that I really don’t think I should. Oh, but Halloween’s coming and really, these are just so fantastic!

  4. Géniaaaaal!!! It’s so cute!!!! great idea, im gonna make some for halloween!! but it’s still a little bit early!!

  5. i love this cute little tutorial… halloween is massive where i live so i wanted to make a few of these to decorate the house. but you havent said what materials you use.

    is it just 100% wool??

  6. Thanks for the great tutorial! My 11yr old son followed your directions and made a larger pumpkin pin cushion that he’s going to exhibit at the county fair. He’ll include your site in his project write-up.

  7. Hello,

    I have just listed a perfect pumpkin kit, and also have lovely hand dyed wool at reasonable prices if you would like to take look?


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