Sewing Machine Cozy

Photo by Laura Malek.

Today I’m sharing this pattern for a sewing machine cozy. When writing 1, 2, 3 Sew, I wrote too much. I wanted to give you tons of projects to make! I’m all about good value. Initially, the book had 36 projects instead of the 33 that were published, and as painful as it was for me to cut, 33 is still a lot. We decided to remove a chapter with patchwork projects, but you’ll definitely see some of those ideas in the next book. For now, you can download the .pdf pattern for this sewing machine cozy. It’s a string-pieced project that can be adjusted to fit any size machine. Happy Sewing!

Winner of Sew Modern Giveaway

Congratulations to #56, Anne! She is the winner of the Sew Modern giveaway.

And I thought I’d mention this internet piracy legislation. What’s SOPA about? I’m no expert, but it seems to me that this is misguided legislation that would open the door to censorship by forcing internet service providers to monitor content and block sites that they feel are violating copyright laws, but will also allow for pending lawsuits to shut down websites with questionable content, even before a judgment has been made. Watch this video to learn more, then make up your own mind. You can sign google’s petition here and contact your local representatives with this quick link on wikipedia. Looks like SOPA won’t make it and some of its provisions have already been changed, but there is another bill called PIPA, which is also problematic. Perhaps laws regarding the internet should be made by people who know something about the internet? I’m guessing half of the Senate has their aides print out e-mails!

Etsy Finds Friday

Parade Print in Orange from Helen Rawlinson, $17.29.

Pretty Pachyderm, $42 from Nifty Kidstuff.

Washi Tape Organizer from 464 Handmade, $30.

Crocheted Hearts, $6 from Viola’s Boutique.

Tangerine Checker Throw Pillow, $58 from B. Perrino Quilts.

Fabric Bundle, $13 from Cottonholic.

Kokeshi Doll Tooth Pillow from During Quiet Time, $16.

Echino Dot Fabric Fat Quarter, $4.25 from Charm Stitch.

Bright Quilt Wood Wall Hanging, $195 from Gary Park.