Random Assortment GIVE-AWAY!


I am still cleaning out and moving my sewing room to make way for our master bath.  So I have some fabric to unload.  The photo on the left is of the larger scraps — quarter yards, half-yards and a few full yards.  On the right are the smaller scraps.  There’s fabric here from pretty much all of the projects I’ve made in the last year.  Some Liberty of London, Amy Butler, Kaffe Fassett, etc.

So if you want to add to your fabric collection, please leave a comment here and I will choose a number randomly.  Deadline for entering is Monday (July 28) at midnight Eastern time.  I’ll ship anywhere in the United States or Canada.  Thanks for helping me clean up!

UPDATE TO THIS POST: The fabric give-away is now over.  Thanks for entering!

174 Replies to “Random Assortment GIVE-AWAY!”

  1. Oh my gosh, you are amazing, fabrics look great, please pick my number, please, please, please. I have my fingers and toes crossed.

  2. i would love these!!! i am just starting to make dresses and think these fabrics are perfect for summer dresses

  3. Throw my hat in for the fabric, how exciting it would be to win. The fabrics in my stash now are lonely and need some new friends to play with!

  4. I have lots of projects for my sewing machine but have trouble loading 4 kids (3 yrs and under) in the van and hauling them into the fabric store — not a pretty site for anyone so PICK ME!

  5. Yes, please, and thank you and what a generous, wonderful person you are! You remind me of my new bumper sticker: consume less, share more. I check your blog a few times a week and wish to someday have the time and energy to become someone who has a blog and not someone who just reads them! Thank you.

  6. Thanks for placing these up-for-grabs! Thanks for your crafty inspirations too!

  7. My name is Mique and I have an addiction. Can you help feed my addiction please? (fabric addiction- just to clarify)
    I love your site and keep pulling ideas from it for my 30 handmade days. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂

  8. re-connecting with my love of fabric, my checkbook doesn’t understand, this would be fabulous!

  9. Just when I was deluding myself that I really don’t need more fabric. LOLOLOLOL!

  10. I only just found this blog, and I’m loving it already. You are a very generous person and I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  11. As a novice sewer and quilter, I appreciate fabrics of all type. But my all-time favorite is “free”.

    Thanks for blogging!

  12. I’ve been lurking (and learning alot) on your blog for awhile and when I saw “free” I thought I would poke my head up and say hi!!! I would love to get in on this giveaway!!

  13. this would be great as I have just started teachng myself to sew, and my mom is a beginner quilter…I would love to get this stash! thanks

  14. I’ve just recently found your blog and have enjoyed lurking here for a few weeks now. I would LOVE to take your scraps off your hands – heck, I’d even pay the shipping… 🙂

    This would be a perfect way to start a quilt for the first time.

  15. I’ve been off work recovering from surgery and have been unable
    to shop for fabric. Kaffe Fasset, Amy Butler-these are my faves!
    My empty shelves will gladly help you out. Thanks for this opportunity.

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